Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Still Waiting...
Oh, and another toe is getting better. I had to go back to the doctor yesterday and I am now allowed back in the pool (thank heavens). It has really sucked having 'TOLIO.'
Friday, July 25, 2008
Faith Looks Up
As most of you know, 3 years ago my dad was diagnosed with cancer. It was found early and a golf ball size mass was removed from the right side of his neck. He went though 7 week of radiation, was threatened with the possibility of a feeding tube, yet by the grace of God got a clean bill of health after his treatments were over. We were so surprised when he intially found out--we found out on like a Tuesday and by the next Tuesday they were scheduling surgery. Ever since then, my biggest fear is that the cancer would return. As a true 'Daddy's Girl' the thought of it returning has kept me up many nights. He had a routine check-up yesterday and a chest x-ray revealed a mass on one of his lungs. Our family doctor sent him for more extensive scans which revealed 2 spots on his right lung, 1 on his left lung and a possible spot on his liver...NOT the news we were hoping for. The doctors think it could be cancer. He goes Thursday for an PET Scan to see if the spots are active or not. I know I have to be strong for my dad and act as though nothing is out of the ordinary. I firmly believe that outlook and attitude are 90% of the battle. Please pray for my dad--and my entire family as we anxiously await the results of this scan. As Christians, we wholeheartedly believe that God is in control and we rest assured that His will be done. Thank you for your prayers; we will need them.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
From Head To Toe

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Swimming, Slim Fast, Singledom--all in one blog!
In other recent events--I have started the Slim Fast diet (more like Slim SLOW) in order to better fit into a bridesmaid dress for my college roommate Jessica's wedding on October 4th. Jessica is the last of my 'single' friends to tie the knot and I must admit that it's a little sad for me because now I'm the lone single person in my group of friends. It's a couples world out there folks and if you're single in a couples world, pretty soon you will find that get togethers revolve around which diapers are preferred--or whose mother-in-law is the most annoying. I guess that we're all in different places and I'm learning that it's more than alright...being single isn't so bad afterall; no dirty diapers and no nagging mother-in-law. Maybe I can just be the cool aunt until it's time for something more.
I'm a blogger now!!!