I haven't blogged in a "coons age" and we southerners know that means it's been a looooong time. There is no way I can write about everything that has happened since the last blog so I'll just start fresh and tell you about a cool experience I had last week.
I'll preface this by saying that I'm a big talker. If you know me, you already know this. I will talk to anyone, anytime, anyplace; mostly because I'm nosy and I believe that everyone has a unique story. I'd like to think of myself as another version of Oprah...the Conservative, Severely Underpaid Oprah (sans Steadman of course). So, last week I'm in Louisville at a training and am staying at the Hyatt downtown. Now this is a nice set-up: I'm close to 4th Street Live which I love and the Louisville Ironman was going on last week so all those hot, hard-bodied athletes were staying at my hotel. Needless to say, I gawked and drooled and drooled and gawked the whole week. I had never seen so many pretty legs in all my life! But that isn't the cool part. After dinner one night, Rhonda, Denise, Jamie (the Columbai girls) and myself (the lone Russell Countian) return to the hotel to just 'chill' for a few. We walk into the lobby and spot an older gentleman who is dressed a bit eccentric for his age. Jamie is certain that it's Bruce Jenner's brother. He sits alone in the lobby, so in true Oprah fashion, I sit down across from him and strike up a conversation. Long story short he tells me that he's in town because he's playing in a band at the state fair. I asked if he was in a band that maybe I'd heard of...he says I'm too young (got to love that) to remember the 1960's (and he's right, I don't even remember the 70's). I told him to not underestimate me because I'm a music lover and that I even love bluegrass music so I feel like I'm pretty well rounded. He then tells me that he is a member of Paul Revere and the Raiders (who?) AND that his name is Mark Lindsay AND that he wrote a little song called "Freeborn Man." Uh HELLO!! That is like a bluegrass anthem! So my ears perk up, and I sing the first line to him, "I was born in the southland" to which he finishes the line by singing, "twenty some odd years ago" and in unison we sing, "I ran away for the first time when I was only 4 year old I'm a freeborn man!"
That was a bizarre experience if you ask me.