Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Few Things I Miss

What a world we live in! We just keep evolving and growing and trying new, bold things and I'm not always sure that progress is indeed progress. From the way we dress, to the way we work, to the way live...we think we've got it made, but do we really?

I was off work last Monday in observance of Martin Luther King day, I turned to the History Channel and was intrigued by the MLK coverage. I wanted my nieces and nephews to sit down and watch with me in hope that they would learn something about him and understand why they were on a one day vacation. What struck me as interesting was that they were talking about these poor--I mean the poorest of poor--black southern people and these people were dressed to the nines. Men in suits and hats, women in hats and heels and pearls clutching a 'pocketbook.' I miss the time when people took pride in their appearance. What would they say about what we wear and call progress today? Half naked women with a slit up to there, boys in loose jeans with their butts hanging out--is THAT progress? Hardly. Even the people once considered the lowest class wouldn't be caught dead in the garbs we find acceptable today. And I'll say this too, unless you've been in the hen house--there is no need for anyone to have a feather in their hair. Seriously?

I miss the time when daddies worked and mommas stayed home and raised the babies.

I miss the time where children were raised to say, ''Yes ma'am" and "No ma'am." That's always a sign of a good raisin'.

I miss the time of wooden dentures (just kidding about that). Lighten up.

I do not miss jelly shoes. Or pantyhose in plastic eggs which consequently I would put under my shirt and pretend they were boobs...the eggs, not the pantyhose; one was always bigger than the other.

I miss the time when kids were happy playing with eggs that pantyhose came in.

I miss parents who, when their daughter wanted fake fingernails as a child told her, 'just pretend' and that child wore scotch tape on her nails. No fake nails for kids, please.

I miss the time where people visited. How long has it been since you dropped by a friends house? How long has it been since you've seen your cousins? Trust me when I say this--a true friend or loving family member can visit anytime unannounced. Get out and visit...time is swiftly passing. You'll never regret it.

I miss the time when tonka trucks, little play tractors, baby dolls, board games and crayons were THE things to play with. Sadly they've been replaced with DS games, Wii, Playstations and our imaginations are dull. Kids are smarter, but in a different way.

I miss the time when men, were men. No holes in their ears, no eyeliner, no fingernail polish.

Progress is neither swift nor easy, but is inevitable. I just want everyone to slow down, embrace the moment and not worry so much about tomorrow for it may never come.


Anonymous said...

Love this post, Moochie. Miss ya!

Moochie Hart said...

I miss you too!! We should get together!